Fish Report for 11-20-2007
Vagabond Sportfishing Fish Report 11-20-07
Mike Lackey
The trip left under poor fishing reports but I always say that just leaves room for improvement. What an improvement! We had good tuna fishing with smaller fish in the a.m. and jumbos in the p.m. This trip saw our boat record set with a 327.6 Yellowfin Tuna caught by Tony Saldivar. We had a fun afternoon of Yellowtail on the way home. Great people, great fish, great trip.
Here are our 5 over 200 lbs: Tony Saldivar w/327.6 lbs, Kevin O'Rourke w/228.6 lbs, Chad Schaeffer w/258.6 lbs, Mark Kim w/234.6 lbs, and John Killingsworth (J.K) w/274.6 lbs. Not far behind are some big cows caught by Paul Pennello w/188.4 lbs, Vaughn Barker w/186.6 lbs, and Ron Bader w/169.4 lbs. Congrats to all!